Sorry I haven't updated in a while. But don't you worry. I am alive and well. And a lot has happened since my last update. First off I am no longer in Haines City, serving with Elder Watson. Which is kind of a sad thing. Elder Watson and I were planning on staying together for at least one more transfer and I was very positive that I would remain in Haines City for the rest of my mission. But that didn't end up happening. I am now serving in Cape Coral with Elder Dooley. We are having a great time and like serving with each other. But first, I think I'll post some stuff that happened during the transfer with Elder Watson!
First off, Elder Watson has been collecting ties for the past 6 months or so. And he has definitely gotten up there in the numbers. One day, we decided that we wanted to hang all of his ties on the wall. Some missionaries out here do that for easier access to their ties. I do it. So I talked him into doing it. Oh what an adventure that was. Take a look...

We even had started to teach somebody. Jim White. He was a really cool guy who was engaged to marry a member. He was very interested and he even said that he knew the church was true in our first lesson with him. Unfortunately, we weren't able to continue to work with him because we actually were both transferred from the area. He does now have a baptismal date. I am way excited for that! We aren't sure why President Colton decided to transfer both of us. He said that we would most likely going to stay together. Oh well.
And now, like I said, I am in Cape Coral with Elder Dooley. We are having a great time so far. We had interviews with our mission president this past week. They went really well. We are hoping that we stay together and President Colton says that it may happen. Hopefully it will.
Things are going pretty good here. We are now teaching a few people. We have a lesson tonight with a lady that seems really positive. She is from Brazil and was taught a bit down there. She has a friend in Utah that referred her to us. We are excited to start teaching her.
Than we have another lady that we got through a media referral. She ordered a Book of Mormon and a DVD. We dropped those by and she is way interested in learning more. The only problem is she doesn't have a car and she lives quite ways from the church. But we are going to start teaching her sometime this week.
And that's about what is going on here. I hope everything back there is going great. I'd love to hear from everyone. Have a great week!
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