Monday, November 23, 2009


So things are still going well. This week was pretty good. We were able to teach Debbie a few times. She is very ready to be baptized. She just needs to quit smoking. But she is well on her way. We have changed her date until the 5th of December. With the week being Thanksgiving, she is really busy and we are not going to be able to teach her as much as we would like. And that is another reason we moved her baptismal date back a week. But we are excited.

We had Stake conference this week. So we weren't able to teach Sarah. We talked with her grandma a bit through out the week. But things are still at the point of us teaching her at church. So hopefully we will be able do that next week.

Adn that is what we have going on for now. We are still trying to find more people to teach. Not getting much. But trying.

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