As I mentioned last week, we had interviews with President Colton. Those went pretty good. I am now a 2 time winner of the shiniest shoes! Last transfer I won a thing of spray hand sanitizer and this time I won a can of Chunky soup! Which was much needed because Elder Schramm and I were running low on food. Every transfer at interviews, Sister Colton always makes home made bread for us. Which is amazing! But this time, with it being pumpkin season, she also brought home made pumpkin bread! It was awesome!
After interviews, I went up to the Sebring area with Elder Zahl. That was pretty fun. Every week they have a volleyball night and I was able to be there for it! It was a lot of fun. Then, my last night there, they had there trunk-or-treat. Which was also pretty fun. We got lots of candy.
Then we switched back on Thursday. That day, a member took Elder Schramm and I out to eat. The place we went to served gator meat! So of course we had to get some of that. It was pretty good. Not the cheapest, obviously, but I would for sure have it again.
While I was on exchanges, Elder Schramm and Elder Reed set a baptismal date with an invexstigator. We are pretty excited. She came to our trunk-or-treat on Friday. She seems really excited and she already knows a good chunk of the people in the branch. We are going to be teaching her again on Wednesday.
The trunk-or-treat we had was pretty fun. For being in a small branch, there weren't a whole tom of people there, but we still had fun. Near the end of the night, we had a donought on a string eating contest. And of course, the missionaries have to participate. The out come was, I got 3rd place. But had I gone against the person who got 2nd during the 'tournament' I would have probably been 2nd. Oh well. It was still fun.
Today, we went to a members house who has a lot of WWII things such as jeeps, tanks, planes and such. He gets them and restores them. It was really cool. He also has a canon that he let us fire off. It was cool. Here are a few of the pics I took.

We also got to ride around in that jeep.