Things are going pretty well here in Arcadia. I am actually currently on exchanges in the Sebring area from today until Thursday morning. We were able to teach a few people last week. Jose and Georgina. they would be baptized already but they aren't married. But they can't get married until Jose gets citizenship. But he is working on that. We haven't been able to teach that little girl yet. Neither her nor her grandma were at church this past week. And her grandma moved from where we thought she lived. But we are going to try to see them this week.
Yesterday, we went down to Port Charlotte for p-day. The sisters set up something for us to do. It was a lot of fun. We just played a bunch of games. We had musical chairs, a 3-legged race, a water balloon toss, and such. And we carved pumpkins! We all had a lot of fun.

Then today, we had interviews with President Colton. They went really well. We showed Sister Colton the pictures of the snake and she told President that she wanted one we they got home. Haha. It was pretty funny. She was joking though. President said it would be fine. We'll see if that happens.
And this past Friday was mine and Elder Schramm's 18 month mark! So we had a bon fire at a members house and burned our stuff. We were also able to teach a lesson out of it. It was awesome. So we had an actual 'fireside.' Haha. But the people are pretty much golden. We are excited. We are going to be teaching them again this Friday at the trunk-or-treat.
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