Things are going well here. We have kind of run out of people to teach here, though. This past week we went over to Scott's to teach him a little bit. He made it to church yesterday was able to get confirmed. So that was good. But now that that has happened, we are a little low in the teaching pool. There is one guy that has come to church twice, but we can never get a hold of him or set up a time to teach him. But we are still trying. He knows a lot already and is basically ready to be baptized. We just need to be able to teach him.
Other then that, not a whole lot has gone on. We had a few lessons set up that fell through. But we are still trying to find more people and working a lot with the members. So things are still going good.
Throughout the transfer, we have been having this prank war with a member in our ward. The Bishops daughter. It all started when she toilet papered our car. Then we incased all of her hair elastics in jello. Then she thought she was clever in taking Elder Canfields scriptures. But, she also mistakingly left her's behind. 25 boxes of jello, a few ziplock bags to protect the scriptures, and 4 missionaries later, we finally returned them. The container weighed about 25 to 30 pounds. We attempted to extract the jello from the container, but as you can see from the video, it didn't work as well as we had hoped. But it was still funny.

After this, she gave Elder Canfield his scriptures back. Although, they were in side a big, huge bowl of macaroni and cheese. It was interesting. But all had fun.
Haha, so fun! That's really being fed by the good word of God. ;)