Monday, August 24, 2009


Sorry I didn't update last week. It was transfers and I spent a lot of the time last p-day packing and wasn't able to email. And then I didn't get here in my new area until late Tuesday and still wasn't able to get to a computer. Oh well.

Anyways. Like I said, I got transfered. I am now in the Hudson B area. It used to be the New Port Richey ward, but they combined the 2 not too long ago. So there are 4 Elders in our ward. But it's fun. Apparently there are a lot of people that are being taught. They have had a baptism almost week for a while. It's pretty awesome. And the ward likes us a lot. But I'm liking it here so far. My companion is Elder Garner from Midvale, Utah. He has been out just over 13 months. He got out here 2 transfers after me. But we are getting along really well so far. I am back in the St. Pete stake as well. Which is pretty cool. The stake president came to our sacrament meeting yesterday. He is my favorite stake president that I have had out here so far. He's way cool.

I forgot to mention something. Last week when we got our transfer calls, my move wasn't originally to come to Hudson. I was supposed to go back to Gulfport with Elder Grant. I was really excited to be going back to my greenie area and also to serve with Grant. But then, about an hour after I got the first call, I get another one. This time they say that there has been a change. Grant is now going to be training and I am going to Hudson B. At first I was a bit bummed, but then I got over it pretty quick. But I am enjoying my time here so far.

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