April 13, 2009
So this week was another fairly uneventful one. Last week we spent all of p-day down in Bradenton with the zone. We had a blast. We played softball and volleyball and made hamburgers and hot dogs. As I had in my last post, we did a prank on the Sisters. Well, they just happened to bring the monkey, Chimpy, to p-day. An unfortunate event happened with Chimpy. He was killed. One of the zone leaders grabbed a knife while we were playing with him and stabbed him. It was a very sad time. But Chimpy came back. With a vengeance!

Then with Easter this weekend, our ward had a cook out and Easter egg hunt. We played a little football with some of the ward members. It was extremely hot and we were in our vests. Not the smartest. But it was fun. Then the primary kids sang a song.
Then they were off. The only problem with egg hunts out here, is all the ants in the grass. Pretty much all of the eggs had some ants in them. It was interesting. But everyone is fine. It was a lot of fun.
Then yesterday, the Bishopric all gave talks on the Atonement. And in between the primary kids and the choir sang a song. It was cool. The talks were really cool and the Spirit was there so strong. I loved it. They focused a lot on Elder Hollands conference talk. I really enjoyed it.
Now, with transfers, Elder Pattie and I are staying together for yet another transfer. We are both pretty excited. At the end of this transfer he will have been here for 9 months. So we're pretty sure this next transfer will be his last. But we will work hard and have fun while it lasts.
And that was last week's post. Now on to this week.
So, things are going. We just got done with the first week of the new transfer. And we're not sure what is going to happen. The 2 kids we were teaching are still on the list. We're not sure what is happening with that family anymore. Other then the fact that they are moving to Wyoming this June. They aren't sure if they are going to be able to adopt the kids anymore. We have an appointment to teach them tomorrow. And that's about all that we can do.
Tomorrow is also our Zone Conference. So tomorrow is going to be a long day. With that, we also have the lesson that night, a meeting before the lesson with our ward mission leader, and then a member is taking us out to eat before that. So it's a pretty packed day. But we're getting food in the process, so we won't complain. And those days are usually better.
The 'new' zone is pretty good. Elder Knudson, one of my MTC comps is my district leader. It's pretty cool. Our district is rad. There are only 2 companionship's, but we all get along great. So it's fun.
This week, a very neat thing is happening, I will be hitting my year mark! Pretty sweet, eh? Yeah, I thought so. But that means on with the traditions! In the Florida Tampa Mission, every 6 months, we burn something. At 6 months it's a tie, at 12 it's a shirt, at 18 its pants, and at 24 its a suit. Some people will just burn the item itself and some people will actually add each item as they go. I am still debating between the 2. I do have some ties that I wouldn't mind burning with a shirt, but at the same time, I am trying to collect as many ties as I can. Oh well. I would ask for input, but I probably won't get the chance to read it unless you put it up today. But I guess you can say it anyway.
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