Ok. So I didn't post anything last week. I had something going and then we had to leave quite abruptly. So, here is what I had:
Happy Birthday to me. Yesterday was my 20th birthday. When really it was not. It was actually the 20th anniversary of my Birthday. I have not been born 20 times. That would just be no fun. I did have some fun, though. I had birthday horns and balloons and some 'just add water and microwave' cake. It was amazing, by the way. So yeah. It was fun.
We had our interviews with our mission president this past week. Elder Pattie and I requested to stay together for a 3rd transfer. And President Colton said that there is a good chance that it will happen. We are working really well together. And the members are trusting the missionaries again. Which is nice.
This weekend is General Conference and I am really excited. But I wonder where the time went since the last one. It seems like it wasn't that long ago. It's amazing how fast time goes out here.
And that is what was of last weeks post. Not much. But like I said, we had to leave very quickly.
Now on to this week. This past week has been an interesting one. As you know, this past Wednesday was April 1st, more commonly known as April Fools Day. So we thought we would have some fun. On Tuesday, the Spanish Elders in the area found a dead pig on the side of the road and for some reason took it back to their apartment. Then we got the idea to put it in the Sisters apartment. :) Now, some of you may find this cruel and mean, but we found it to be quite hilarious. Even our Zone Leaders were in on this one. The Sisters had done something to them earlier in the transfer. The plan was to take the pig to the Zone Leaders apartment and leave it on there deck until after our meetings. That went really well. During the meeting, Elder Pattie and I were able to get the key to the Sisters' apartment. So everything was going well. Then, while we were on the way back to get the pig, we get a call saying that one of the Sisters had just got a blessing of comfort. So we decided to abort the pig plan.
Then we decided, instead, to go to a party store and buy a ton of streamers and such to trash their house with. We ended up getting a few more things as we searched the store. We got a giant blow up monkey that we named, Chimpy, and a wig and pink boa to put on the monkey. Along with the streamers of course. And also a wall sticker type thing of Belle from "Beauty and the Beast." When we were done the apartment looked quite nice.
Here is what we did. Quite neat huh?
Well, that is not the whole story. When we left, we left the key in the apartment and left it unlocked so they could get back in. But, a few minutes later, the one of the workers there, came by and locked it. Then the Sisters called us and were mad the we stole there key. We felt extremely bad. And it wasn't until midnight that they were able to get in after the Zone Leaders called a locksmith. The Sisters then found the irony about the whole thing. It was a great April Fools Prank that lasted pretty much all of April 1st! It was awesome. But now we are kind of scared for our lives. We are going to be spending p-day with the zone. Hopefully we will still be alive at the end of the day.
Conference this weekend was awesome. One of my favorite talks was definitely Elder Perry's talk on member missionary work. That is truly the best way to do things. In this area, the members have started to realize this more and more. I am loving the ward we are working with and their excitement for the work. It's great. I can't wait for the conference edition of the Ensign to come out to read the talks and study them.
Yesterday, after conference, Elder Pattie and I got home and opened our freezer and found it to be a lot different then we left it.
It was quite an adventure to clean it up and quite wet as well. But it's all good now. We think that there is a leak somewhere involving the ice maker. So we turned it off and so far it's fine. We're kind of scared to turn it back on though. We don't to mess with that again.
And now, it started to rain really hard again outside. But it will shortly end I'm sure. As do most of Florida's rain storms. Actually, I now look outside, and it doesn't seem to be raining anymore. Crazy. But that's how it goes.